translated from Spanish: Roberto Borge’s extesorero is arrested; is accused of peculado

José Alejandro Marrufo Roldán, treasurer and finance secretary during the government of Roberto Borge Angulo, former governor of Quintana Roo, was arrested on Tuesday in Merida, Yucatan. 
The former functioner is accused of peculate in grievance of the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Transport of Quintana Roo. 
Elements of the Attorney General’s Office of Yucatan Justice arrested Marrufo Roldán in a fraction of Altabrisa, north of Merida.
Read: Former governor Borge is linked to process for irregular operation with golf cart companies
The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor of Quintana Roo, Rosaura Villanueva Arzápalo, said in an interview with Radio Formula that the arrest was carried out thanks to field investigation and coordination with the Yucatan Prosecutor’s Office.
The arrest took place on Tuesday afternoon, and during the early hours of Wednesday he was transferred to a prison in Chetumal, Quintana Roo.
The extesorero was denounced by the Quintanarroense Comptroller’s Office for a peculado and a probable damage to the public treasury of more than 3 billion pesos to the Secretariat for Rural Development and Fisheries (Sedarpe).
In addition to irregularities of 1.850 million pesos of federal holdings.
Borge faces accusations of illicit use of power, irregular performance of the civil service and peculado while leading the government of Quintana Roo (2011-206).
With information from Radio Formula Quintana Roo.
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Original source in Spanish

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