translated from Spanish: Consultations in Family Medicine Unit 75 on weekends

Michoacán.- In order not to affect the care and continuity of treatments among rightholders, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Michoacán enabled the Family Medicine Unit 75 on weekends (UMF) No. 75 “Camelinas Morelia” full-time.
Therefore, practices were assigned for care in Family Medicine during Saturday and Sunday, for the benefit of approximately 30,000 rightholders.
The director of UMF No. 75, Sergio Martínez Jiménez, reported that about 3,000 rightholders were assigned per office, and since five offices were opened in the morning shift and five in the evening, the number of beneficiaries has to reach 30 thousand workers.
He noted that the main advantage of attending Family Medicine consultation on Saturday or Sunday is that workers whose work activities prevent them from going for review between Mondays and Fridays will now be able to do so without interfering with their employment schedule.
Another benefit is that the same number of consultation spaces have been vacated From Monday to Friday in morning and evening shifts in that unit, so greater opportunity is reached in the consultation and shorter waiting time.
Martínez Jiménez reported that the weekend consultation also has a service of Pharmacy, Preventive Medicine, Laboratory, X-rays, Stomatiology, Nutrition, Social Work, Membership Module Vigencia, as well as referral to Second Level and expedition of disabilities, if applicable.
The unit director invited workers to change their Family Medicine care to Saturday or Sunday, on a permanent basis, and take advantage of attending out-of-hours consultation.
To do so, he indicated that they only have to show up at their current office between Monday and Friday and request their migration to the weekend, on the turn and day of their choice.

Original source in Spanish

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