translated from Spanish: Tania Ruiz teaches Angelica Rivera how to dress at the Festivities

Tania Ruiz Eichelmann showed Angelica Rivera that she doesn’t need to be first lady to look like a goddess, let alone wear designer dress as Angelica Rivera wore in the Independence Cry of the past years and her social media proved it. It turns out that Tania Ruiz Eichelmann shared some photos and videos, of what was a Mexican festival last night, because she was very active with several members of her family, who sported different garments with Mexican touches, but hers was unique, because she was looked very elegant but at the same time simple.
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A green blouse with a palazzo of various colors, was the ones that sported the socialité, with which highlighted the small belt that is loaded, in addition to a somewhat daring but simple neckline, because the blonde has never liked to look vulgar. Her hair used it totally loose, since she loves to show off blonde, she also wore a makeup worthy of a model, because she knows how to enhance her styling with a warm tone, because like her clothes she does not like to look exaggerated, but simple. Another thing that attracts the attention of Tania Ruiz Eichelmann is that it is very high, so it always stands out in the meetings, and that could be one of the reasons why her boyfriend Enrique Peña Nieto, could have noticed her, since Tania Ruiz Eichelmann is very high.

Tania Ruiz Eichelmann very beautiful pictured with her spectacular outfit/screenshot

Let us remember that a few days ago much was said about the thinness of Tania Ruiz Eichelmann, who overcame coronavirus disease a few days ago, so she celebrated her recovery with some photos on a yacht, which gave much to talk about because she was very questioned. As if it were not enough Tania Ruiz Eichelmann as proof of thanks for having cured the coronavirus, he made a ceremony in which he invoked the angels, sharing a series of videos, where the table in his dining room and floral arrangements began to move. Meanwhile Angelica Rivera has returned to her normal life, away from a government position, but many want to see her again in show business, which could be soon, so her daughter Sofia Castro announced it in her Instagram stories a few weeks ago. Angelica Rivera in her years as an actress became one of the most popular female soap opera stars of her time, one of the most popular stories that many still remember was in Destilando Amor in 2007 alongside Eduardo Yáñez.

It should be mentioned that many want to see Angelica Rivera back on television, while others say he must withdraw from the medium, considering that he will no longer have the same success he achieved several years ago, although he might surprise us at any time.

Original source in Spanish

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