translated from Spanish: Belu Lucius recalled Santiago Vazquez in tears: “We couldn’t do anything”

Belu Lucius and Santiago Vazquez were companions in the play El Canasto and had a great relationship. Santiago Vázquez, brother of Nicolás Vázquez, died on December 16, 2016 during a trip to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.” It was a journey we had planned with great happiness, there was my sister (Emily Lucius), my husband (the roar Javier Ortega Desio) and Santi with his friends. We all went to the same hotel, of those that is all inclusive, with beach, at night there are shows… A flat. But after three days he ceased to be a flat,” the current Masterchef Celebrity participant began her account. He quickly headed to the hotel and found the worst news.” Every time I remember that image I try to erase it, because it was always so loving, so cute… He was one of those people who has no evil, who will never speak ill of anyone. There aren’t many people like that. And I say, ‘Well, he’s gone.’ We couldn’t do anything. We tried to assist him, we didn’t know how to call on the phone…” recalled Belu with difficulty, completely overrun by emotion.” Now Santi’s in a better place. He’s taking care of Nico, he’s taking care of us all. It’s a subject I’ve never talked about before. I always felt on the sidelines, it’s not something I’m comfortable with. I like to laugh and tell funny things, and this is a very big loss, beyond that it’s still with us. The person who met him realizes he was a wonderful person. Extremely wonderful.”

Original source in Spanish

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