translated from Spanish: UAR and DAIA held a meeting following messages from Los Pumas

The outrageous messages of the three players of Los Pumas as teenagers seem to have been set aside, but the problem of discrimination with a focus on racism and xenophobia remains present, especially in a highly targeted rugby environment. For this reason, and in the face of the actions of Pablo Matera, Guido Petti and Santiago Socino, the Argentine Rugby Union (UAR) held a meeting with the Delegation of Argentine Israelite Associations (DAIA) to re-establish and share tools for the eradication of this scourge in society.
Through an official statement presented by the UAR, it was carried out by the presidents of both organizations, Jorge Knoblovits and Marcelo Rodríguez, respectively, together with members of their boards of staff and professional staff of both. As the Union noted, DAIA “offered its pedagogical tools and agreed to address a series of trainings aimed at raising awareness and reflecting on the issue of discrimination”. In addition, they shared their work to continue eradicating it, where the sporting entity started with its project.” Rugby 2030, towards a new culture”, is the program that aims to “recognize, hold accountable and resolve rugby-related conflict in Argentina”, as explained, while explaining that the objectives between the two entities is to continue exploring joint actions to eradicate discriminatory behaviors.

Original source in Spanish

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