translated from Spanish: Filo.Top 2020: Lady’s Gambit was awarded as the best series of the year

Without a doubt it was a year where, a little for the isolation and a little because the trend of the series came to stay, we saw everything we could on the different platforms. At the Filo.Top awards where you voted among great Netflix productions such as Flow, Disney and Amazón that put everything on the grid to stay on top in the face of so much competition. 
The winner of Best Series was Gambito de Dama, a Netflix production that was the most watched part of the catalog and that reinvinfies women in the sport of Chess. 

Among the calves were: By Disney, The Mandelorian, the Star Wars spin-off by Amazón: The Boys, one of the best series of the year for many. For Flow, Famous, by Martín Garabal, and on Netflix, Casi Feliz, Sebastian Wairaich’s series, Tomy’s Notebook, and the winner Lady Gambit who finally takes Don Rouch’s 0800 prize. The winning series consists of 7 episodes, and premiered on October 23 with great repercussions around the world. And it tells the story of an orphan, who is a chess prodigy and who seeks in a world of men to become the best chess player in the world, while struggling with her emotional problems, and addictions. 


Original source in Spanish

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