translated from Spanish: Estefania Pasquini showed the before and after in her life: “One, tired of taunts; another, rotten from my diet”

Estefanía Pasquini goes through the personal best, in love with Alberto Cormillot and waiting for her first child. However, as an awareness, the nutritionist posted two photos of very different moments in her life. The postcards chosen by the doctor have the same axis in common, and that has to do with the specialty it has been focused on for years: physical health and weight. For this reason, Estefanía uploaded a photo of his adolescence where he had a few other kilos and in contrast another, where his weight was below estimated, and next to them he wrote an extensive reflection: “Today I am neither of these two. These are extreme and distinct moments; One where I was tired of so many taunts, another where I was rotten from being so strict with my physical activity and my ‘diet’ began to develop.

“When I was a girl, I didn’t care about anything, and I didn’t realize the extra kilos. You’re a boy. You have no notion of anything, you have no magnitude of what it can cause in your health… And when you grow up a little either, but there’s something you realize… And it’s the teasing, the guys who don’t look at you, the clothes you’d like to wear and you don’t get in,” he continued.
“What if this didn’t exist? If we all accepted each other’s differences? If the kilos only mattered when assessing a state of health and that’s it.”

And he continued the story by noting that that’s the least of it compared to: “insecurities, rapidly declining self-esteem, sadnesses and so many others”: “You start trying diets, you go through all the weights. Diet where you only hit bounces (at least many like this happens to us). What if this didn’t exist? If we all accepted each other’s differences? If the kilos only mattered when assessing a state of health and that’s it. Surely many people would get more things, because they would not be trapped in the stigma of society.” People aren’t going to change, all their lives are going to be those that get into your life, with your body and criticize it and those people, who despite not agreeing with your stereotype, simply accept the differences. All that matters here is what one does with this, only oneself has the power to let the other’s gaze affect one.” There, the nutritionist wanted to make a point and emphasize that while it is difficult, you can: “Among so many changes in my weight, I could realize that that number did not make me, that I had much more and that all that I had was in the high and low weights, that if my health was changed, but my integrity was the same. You can leave everything to a weight. And when you get to him, what happens? Everything stays the same. Just change your appearance, don’t get any better, no more understanding, no more affectionate, no smarter. Well-built self-esteem manifests itself in various behavioral and attural areas, and with this you’re going to do a lot more in life,” he said. The publication quickly fills with messages of encouragement and thanks for understanding a topic that affects many people and treating them so warmly. 

Original source in Spanish

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