translated from Spanish: Cycle cycle path catastrophe: MTT reports 27.9% increase over the past three years

Cyclovies, cycle streets and temporary cycleways of the National Mobility Plan, constitute the specialized infrastructure for the circulation of cycles, and their totality and extension were catastrada by the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (MTT), throughout the country, accounting for 1,866.06 kilometers nationally.” Due to the increased use of cycles in the country, it has been necessary to strengthen cycle networks in cities. For this reason, together with municipalities, regional governments and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, we have promoted joint work to increase road infrastructure dedicated to cycles. From 2018 to date, we have added 522.19 kilometers of cycles nationwide. This will be complemented by another 134.12 kilometres of projects under implementation, which will allow us to have a network of two thousand kilometers in a short time more,” said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt.Prior to 2018 there were 1,343.9 kilometers of this type of infrastructure and of the 522.19 kilometers enabled in the last three years, 384.82 correspond to urban areas and 137.37 to rural areas. The expansion of the national network represents an increase of 27.9% and once the construction of the 134.12 kilometers that are in operation is completed, the increase will be 32.8%. In particular, in the case of the Metropolitan Region, before 2018 there were 497.35 kilometers and from that year to date 255.47 kilometers were enabled, corresponding to an increase of 33.9%.” We know that progress is still needed in this area, so it is important to continue to promote projects for cycles with the different public entities that execute the projects, since this type of infrastructure allows us to deliver greater security to its users. To facilitate its concreteness, we developed the Cycle Cycle Composition and Operational Design Guide and, thanks to these criteria, we promoted a number of projects under the National Mobility Plan,” Added Minister Hutt.In order for citizens to have the information, the MTM and the Ministry of National Goods enabled a territorial viewfinder (cicloví in which each of the existing cycle cycles can be located , including the region, commune, road axis, start and end of the track, kilometers, date of execution and type of track. In this regard, the Minister of National Goods, Julio Isamit, explained that “we want more integrated and friendlier cities, and a breakthrough for this is the 1,228 cycles in Chile. Just so everyone knows them, we created this map with all of them.” Minister Isamit added that “one of the great goals that we have to keep in mind, and for which we are working on National Goods is to create cities of the future. What do these consist of, in integrated neighborhoods, with good services near houses, fair, dignified cities and that effectively provide opportunities, so that every day is less conditioning the place where one is born”. For his part, the Minister of Housing and Urban Planning, Felipe Ward, noted that “as a Ministry we work to achieve socially integrated cities in Chile, and we develop social housing projects in which we consider them to be located in areas close to public infrastructure and cycle roads today are very relevant public infrastructure. People, because of what has happened in recent times, are changing the way they are transported, moving, and having access to cycle paths, located in good places in all cities, close to public infrastructure and close to social housing, also contributes to real social integration. There are many kilometers of cycle roads that have been built and designed between the municipalities and the Minvu and we find it very relevant to make them available also to this new cadastre and this viewfinder.” Elijaa Godoy’s executive secretary, Daniela Godoy, emphasized that “the implementation and cadastre of 1,866 kilometers of cycleways, tactical cycleways and cycleways is a very important public policy to support the active displacement and physical activity that has so many benefits for people’s physical and mental health. It will also make it easier for all families and users of bicycles and other cycles to know and use safer spaces in the Choose To Live Healthy time slot. According to the survey conducted by the U. San Sebastián, one in five people who have used the sports strip has done so by cycling.” The authorities also specified that the 1,866.06 kilometres are spread over 1,228 cycleways or cycleways, of which 408 correspond to projects enabled over the past three years. In addition, the execution of another 94 dedicated cycle routes, corresponding to the 134.12 kilometres in execution, is envisaged. Nationally, according to MTT estimates, more than 1,644,070 daily bike rides are made.

Original source in Spanish

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