translated from Spanish: Third withdrawal: 4.8 million applications have been made in the first 3 days

Three days into force of the law that allows a third withdrawal of planned funds, there are 4,791,497 members and beneficiaries of the pension system who have applied for their savings in this new process. According to the balance sheet of the Superintendency of Pensions, to date 62,065 payment transactions have been made to those who have applied for their resources in this third withdrawal. This implies a disbursement of $78.577 million by pension fund managers (AFPs), while the average amount paid per person is $1.266.038.No however the above, the Superintendency reminded citizens that managers have a maximum period of 15 business days to pay for the requested withdrawals. According to the data reported by the AFPs, up to 17:00 hours today a total of 4,793,872 applications had been made, of which 1.0% was rejected for inconsistencies in the information provided by people. The Superintendency of Pensions reiterated the importance of privileging, where possible, remote channels, both for requesting withdrawals and for consultations on these processes. This, in order to avoid agglomerations and reduce the likelihood of contagion with Covid-19.The community was also reminded that the third withdrawal has been valid for one year since the publication of the law in the Official Journal, on April 28, 2021.

Original source in Spanish

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