translated from Spanish: Sanitary supplies arrive in 40 schools in Michoacán

Michoacán.- Provision of soap bars, paper towels, trash cans, bottle covers, sanitary napkins, washing stations, as well as the complete package of materials that integrates a set of tools and digital and printed audiovisuals on the correct washing of hands, in order to promote hygiene habits among the members of the school communities , to reduce the risk of contagion during the contingency and at the time of return to face-to-face classes, were delivered by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF),
As the return to school campuses approaches, the education authorities continue to prepare schools so that students and teachers have a healthy and safe environment for face-to-face classes.
Therefore, the secretary of education Héctor Ayala Morales, went to the schools Telesecundaria 336 “Dr. Silvia Torres Castilleja” and Federal Secondary No. 13 “Luis Felipe Rodríguez Jorge”, where he thanked representatives of Unicef for the work that is done in coordination with the educational unit in his charge, to provide 40 selected schools with the necessary supplies that are provided through the program “Health in your hands”.
During the visit where the donation of two 450-liter tubs was also made that will serve to make hand washing a constant in the students, the head of the sector said that “the intention is to open as soon as possible all our educational centers in the state, however, we have to ensure that our children return in the best conditions of hygiene and health , in this, Unicef will help us a lot, “he stressed and added “in this way, is that we are working to achieve the reopening of the educational centers in the entity and return to our life as we knew it before the pandemic”.

Original source in Spanish

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