translated from Spanish: They secure military cars for not carrying plates in Los Mochis

Los Mochis, Sinaloa .- On the orders of high military commanders, elements of the National Guard, Municipal Police and Highway agents carried out an operation outside the 89th Infantry Battalion, where some vehicles were secured, mainly because they did not carry license plates. Some of the vehicles were even parked on the mexico highway 15.
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The operation was conducted on Friday night and several cranes were used to tow vehicles that presented anomalies. Read more: Inspections will intensify in companies in the face of spike in Covid-19 cases in AhomeWhen maneuvers were carried out to raise the units to the cranes, the traffic of vehicles was interrupted.

The units were parked in battery, on the banks of the north-south lanes of Mexico Highway 15, where a truck stop is located. The elements participating in the operation to withdraw the units indicated that they were acting at the request of the high commands of the Mexican Army.The insured vehicles were transferred to the Public Security facilities of Ahome.Read more: Fire destroys house in the insurgents colony of Los MochisThe insured vehicles are owned by soldiers, who when they arrived at the military barracks to work left them parked outside.

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Original source in Spanish

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