Accusations are Ebrard’s desperate act: former metro director

Jorge Gaviño, former director of the Metro and current local deputy, said that during his administration Line 12 received the necessary maintenance and reinforcement, particularly after the earthquake of September 19, 2017 when a part of the elevated viaduct was affected.
“We scrupulously did what the norm marks, we condemn and condemn every lie, every demagogic act to cover and throw a smokescreen,” he said in a conference from the Capital Congress.

The legislator explained the work carried out after the earthquake and rejected that during his administration the elevated viaduct had been overloaded, as Gabriel Regino, lawyer of the former director of the Metro Project, Enrique Horcasitas, accused on Monday, and for which, he announced, he would criminally sue Gaviño.

Read: Construction and design errors caused collapse on Metro Line 12, says Prosecutor’s Office

“‘During his administration,’ he said, “the overloading of the elevated pathway was carried out.’ Lawyer Regino lies. The administration of the Metro, neither in mine nor any other, overloaded the elevated track in attention to the therefore that it was the Ministry of Works that carried out the rehabilitation work.
“Clarifying also that in the section that collapsed neither the Secretariat of Works of the Government of the City made a change of rails or sleepers that implied additional weight. In any case, Mr. Regino will have to prove his saying to involve other people,” Gaviño said.
After the earthquake, two faults were found attributable to the construction of the work and not to overweight. It is column 69 and curves 11 and 12 that does not correspond to the area damaged as the lawyer pretends to believe.
On Monday, the lawyer Gabriel Regino, revealed that the Attorney General’s Office of the CDMX had judicialized the investigation folder for the collapse of a section of the gold line so that 10 former public officials, including Enrique Horcasitas, must go to testify next Monday.
Find out: CDMX Prosecutor’s Office goes for Enrique Horcasitas and 9 more former officials for collapse of L12

The litigant said that the Prosecutor’s Office covers up the real perpetrators and announced the filing of a series of criminal complaints against other officials, including Gaviño and the former head of government, Miguel Ángel Mancera.
In this regard, the former director of the Metro explained that these complaints are desperate measures of Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard who promoted the construction of Line 12 during his administration as Head of Government of the CDMX.
“They are desperate, Marcelo (Ebrard) is desperate. If we want to take the discussion to the political we have to ask the only one who can give us a clear and forceful answer: Foreign Minister Ebrard,” he said.
Among the questions that the former head of government should answer, Gaviño listed, is why the work was assigned through an irregular process?, why was the preliminary project delivered by the Metro that contemplated 20 underground stations and three at street level omitted?, and why it was decided to make use of railway trains and not tires based on an opinion of a sheet?
On the complaint that was anticipated will be filed against him, Gaviño said he was calm and had more than a million digitized documents in which it is shown that during his administration at the head of the CDMX Metro he acted correctly.

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Original source in Spanish

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