Chile Vamos sent a letter to Boric: “We are concerned about the tremendous expectations that have been sown”

Chile Vamos sent a letter to President-elect Gabriel Boric raising his concerns about the “tremendous expectations that have been sown in our compatriots,” in the face of what his government will be. The letter was sent by party leaders Javier Macaya (UDI), Francisco Chahuán (RN), Andrés Molina (Evópoli) and Rodrigo Caramori (PRI. “We would like to express to you on behalf of that huge group of voters – who make up almost half of the country – that we will exercise a fair, responsible and firm opposition to your government. We trust in his democratic convictions, in the sense that he will always govern thinking of all Chileans: those who supported him and those who did not,” they wrote. With this, they assured that “we are concerned about the tremendous expectations that have been sown in our compatriots both regarding the constitutional process and the incoming government.” However, they note that “beyond our differences, citizens expect an effective and forceful response to the social dramas that affect families,” they added, so they assure that they will make “available to the country our technical and political teams, to ensure that the social benefits in force and committed in the labor, social, educational, sanitary, housing and social security are maintained and proliferate.”” We trust that their political and sectoral ministers will generate the appropriate work channels to be able to participate in these agendas, fulfilling our role as an opposition.” According to La Tercera, the letter was received by Boric and a date will be set to hold the meeting requested by the conglomerate.

Original source in Spanish

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