Movement “Lithium for Chile” demonstrated outside the Ministry of Mining to invalidate tender

Leaders of the Lithium Movement for Chile, opposition parliamentarians and a conventional constituent assembly arrived at the doors of the Ministry of Mining to protest the recent tender for the mineral by the Government.
“It is evident the contradiction of this tender when it is ad portas of a change of Government, so this happens to constitute only a procedure in the style of the mooring laws of the dictatorship since, clearly, it is destined to obstruct the new government that will assume in a few more days and that contemplates in its program to create a National Lithium Company, “- declared the secretary of the “Lithium for Chile” Movement, Gregorio Pérez.
For his part, the constituent of the PC, Marcos Barraza, added that “the debate on the nationalization of public and strategic goods including copper and lithium is an open debate that is under deliberation at the Constituent Convention. That is why it is complementary anti-democratic and autocratic, on the part of the President of the Republic, to twist the popular will by promoting this tender and putting at risk the economic and democratic sovereignty of our country.”
Also present at the demonstration, Luis Cuello (PC), deputy elected by the Valparaíso region, warned “the Government and the companies not to sing victory, because first we are going to use all the instruments and all the ways to avoid this tender.”
“And secondly, we must warn that the bill presented by the Communist Party caucus to suspend this ongoing tender has retroactive effect and therefore, if approved in the National Congress, this will be deadlocked,” he added.
Finally, the deputy head of the PC caucus, Boris Barrera, pointed out that “the decision of this bad government goes against the popular will that elected a president with a different view of the value of natural resources and extractivism that our country preys.”
Video via Twitter: @daniel_nunez_a

Original source in Spanish

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