The coast, Bariloche and Villa Carlos Paz: the most chosen destinations in January

As reported by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports (Minrturdep), the Partido de la Costa, Mar del Plata, San Carlos de Bariloche, Villa Gesell and Villa Carlos Paz were the most chosen destinations by tourists for the first half of January. Behind the Atlantic Coast that concentrated the largest number of tourists in this first half of January, Patagonia, promoted by PreViaje, was the region with the best occupancy levels, “says a statement, which highlights that more than 10 million Argentines moved around the country since December 15.
Among the localities that stand out in the southern region, Bariloche appears first, with 97% occupancy over 38,000 places; Las Grutas, 95% (44,000); Ushuaia 90% (6,000); El Calafate 90% (5,300) and Villa La Angostura 96% (8,000). Of the Cuyo provinces, mendoza indicates that Mendoza had an average occupancy of 85%, with 40,000 places and San Juan, 81% (8,000), while Salta had an average of 85% of its 27,000 tourist beds throughout the province, and Corrientes, with about 15,000 places was at 85%. On the expectations for February, the Minister of Tourism and Sports, Matías Lammens, said that “tourism authorities and providers throughout the country inform us that they register a high level of reservations” and added: “Our PreViaje projections support this data: 12% more tickets were loaded for February compared to those entered for January.”

Original source in Spanish

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