Review the amounts of the Permanent Family Contribution (ex Bono Marzo) that begins to be paid in February

The Permanent Family Contribution is an amount of money (bonus), readjustable in February of each year, that is given to families with lower incomes that meet the requirements.
It is delivered as follows:

The benefit amount for 2022 is $52,710. From February, the first list of beneficiaries who receive regular payments from the IPS can be reviewed, while from March those who receive Family Allowance will be able to do so.
Learn more.

The Permanent Family Contribution is intended for families with lower incomes. Thus, in 2022:
1) $52,710 is delivered for each family load that as of December 31, 2021 has entitled to any of the following benefits:

Family Allowance (SUF): exceptionally, mothers who receive SUF for those under 18 who live with it, are also responsible for the subsidy; therefore, they also received the bonus for themselves.

For example, a mother who receives SUF caused by two children (duly accredited as deceased as of December 31, 2021), receives a Permanent Family Contribution of $158,130, the breakdown of which is as follows:
$52,710 [carga familiar 1 (hijo menor de 18 años)] + $52.710 [carga familiar 2 (hijo menor de 18 años)] + $52.710 [ella misma (en su calidad excepcional de causante de SUF)] = $158,130.

For example, in a family where mom and dad work and have two sons or daughters who are burdens recognized by the father (and therefore caused Family Allowance in their favor as of December 31, 2021), the sum they receive is $105,420 (son 1 + son 2).
Important: each deceased will only be entitled to a Permanent Family Contribution, even if the beneficiary was under different social security regimes and performed different jobs.
2) Those family groups that, as of December 31, 2021, were users of any of the following subsystems receive $52,710 per family:

Important: if a person belongs to both cases, the contributions are not added. In this case, the amount in money that is privileged is the one that corresponds to the group of beneficiaries of SUF or Family or Maternal Allowance.

Who should receive the Contribution? 
The law establishes the obligation to deliver the money to the family member who is receiving the respective family or maternal allowances.
If the family responsibilities that entitle to the allowances (children, spouse) do not live with the beneficiary, he must deliver the money of the Permanent Family Contribution within a maximum period of 30 days after having received it.
Therefore, the beneficiary has the obligation to deliver it to the following persons:

The mother who lives with the minor perpetrators.
Who actually receives family allowances.
Who has maintenance rights with respect to the deceased (by judicial decree).


When a person can be invoked as the cause of Family or Maternal Allowance by more than one beneficiary, the priority will always be the mother’s.
Those who unduly receive the contribution will face administrative and criminal sanctions. In addition, they must return the money received, duly readjusted.
Once the person appears as a beneficiary, they have a period of 9 months to collect the Contribution (for the first payrolls, that period expires in November).

Can I change the form of payment of the Contribution?
Yes. The Permanent Family Contribution allows you to renounce the form of payment deposit in BancoEstado’s CuentaRUT, but only for the beneficiaries of the third payroll onwards (which begins to be delivered in March).
This management must be carried out by the beneficiary through the site, entering their RUN number and the serial number of the identity card.

Original source in Spanish

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