No consensus in the Sinaloa Congress on decriminalization of abortion

Sinaloa.- While the PAN announced that it will vote against the interruption of pregnancy and the PRI established a floor of 12 weeks and does not support the 14-week initiative; Morena opened itself to dialogue with the rest of the parliamentary groups of the Sinaloa Congress and reach consensus that allows issuing an opinion on the diversity of opinions among legislators. Feliciano Castro Meléndrez, coordinator of the Morena parliamentary group, said that the closure is not typical of democracy, and an agreement is sought with the rest of the political forces within the 64th legislature, and it is expected that on March 7 a definition will be taken. He accepted that they have a challenge of turning plurality into strength so that from the dialogue they can move forward, but so far the position of the morena parliamentary group is the interruption of gestation until week 14.Read more: Sinaloa Investigative Police demand homologation of salaries He mentioned that yesterday they listened to several groups of Sinaloans who came to abound in their reasoning, among them gynecologists, and it was concluded that women should be conceived in their own right as subjects of rights, and that key to diversity is to seek that meeting point. Castro Meléndrez acknowledged that the collegiate gynecologists have already taken a step and previously said no to the interruption of pregnancy in any week, and they have already spoken of eight weeks of interruption of gestation. He recognized the will of the dialogue of the various sectors on this issue and until this Friday there is no definition taken, and remains open to opinions. For his part, the coordinator of the parliamentary group of the PRI, Ricardo Madrid Pérez, expressed himself in complying with the resolution of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, but there are elements that “move” the legislators for the temporality in the interruption of pregnancy. He insisted that the 12 weeks is only as a limit, and surely it should be less than it is being argued with technical, legal and social elements, according to what was collected in the Open Parliament, which has been a very complex issue that is still under analysis. Madrid Pérez added that they did take into account the information that emerged in the forums with pro-life organizations and others in favor of abortion, which is rejected as events of pure procedure. The deputy of the PAN, Giovanna Morachis Paperini pronounced that she is against any form and attempt to interrupt pregnancy in any week, because life begins from conception, which she anticipated goes against the initiative of 14 weeks. He ratified that there is no discussion in the Court’s resolution on decriminalizing abortion, which has already been overcome and understood, and the position of National Action is political, philosophical and in defense of life. Read more: They denounce the existence of 150 aesthetic clinics “ducklings” in Culiacán, they work with cundinas! At 6:00 p.m. today, the meeting of the united commissions of Gender Equality and Family, Health and Social Assistance and Human Rights is expected, as the first advance of the negotiations pending an opinion, and that next Monday an extraordinary session can be convened for March 8 International Women’s Day. Total war of the SNTE vs Rocha

Original source in Spanish

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