March for the 8M in CABA: at what time, where it is concentrated and streets cut off

The main mobilization for 8M (International Working Women’s Day) is underway. Thousands will concentrate with various claims and then go to the Congress of the Nation. According to the collective Ni Una Menos, their concentration starts at 3pm in Cevallos and Irigoyen. On the other hand, pro-government sectors make their own call from 4 p.m. on Avenida 9 de Julio, while the opposition will also do so from 4 p.m. in the vicinity of Congress.
This year’s official slogan is “Alive, Free and De-Indebted: the debt is with us”, which is accompanied by the idea of “recovering the street” after two years of pandemic. This year, the United Nations (UN) calls to celebrate the day with the slogan “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow” and to demand climate action “by and for women”.
The streets that will be affected by the massive mobilizations will be: 
Near the Congress and Avenida de Mayo from Entre Ríos to Lima will remain cut off
Talcahuano and Lavalle
Brazil and Bernardo de Irigoyen sense to San Juan
Avenida de Mayo and Tacuarí, on 9 de Julio and Corrientes, from 4pm
Corrientes Avenue and Callao Avenue, from 6 p.m.

To follow the minute by minute of the cuts by the 8M, you can follow the tweets in real time of the traffic of the Ministry of Transport and Public Works of the GCBA. As for transport: the Mitre, Sarmiento, Roca, San Martín, Urquiza, Belgrano Norte, Belgrano Sur and the Tren de la Costa trains will operate normally, as will the subways and the Premetro.  

Original source in Spanish

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