Plenary session of the CC approves the creation of a Transitional Commission of the new Constitution

The Plenary of the Constitutional Convention approved with 105 votes in favor, 18 against and 18 abstentions, the creation of the commission of transitional norms. This establishment will establish the procedure and the deadlines for the implementation of the rules that will be in the new Magna Carta, if it is approved in the exit plebiscite on September 4.
For many conventionalists, this commission is key, since it will be the one that will determine the transition period that the current institutionality will have to the new changes. For example, the commission in charge of seeing the Legislative Branch is the one that will have to establish the times in which the Senate is eliminated and the Chamber of the Regions begins to function.
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The vice president of the board of directors, Gaspar Domínguez (Non-Neutrals), indicated that “the way in which this (the Constitution) is installed will be called transition and will be defined by (…) transitional rules. And because we know that much of the need for certainty that citizens have depends on these norms, this week we will formally begin to discuss the issues that have to do with the transition.”
The commission will have 33 conventional members and will be in parallel to the 40 constituents that will make up the Harmonization Commission -which will have the mission of making visible the contradictions, grammatical errors or problems of coherence in the draft of the new Constitution-; its functions will begin on March 17.
Preamble Commission
The Plenary also approved the creation of the preamble commission, which will have the mission of drafting the proposal for the introduction of the draft of the new Constitution that will be entered, will be composed of 15 conventional. This body will have an operating period of two weeks and will be in parallel with the Harmonization Commission.
The body must also consider the constituent, popular and indigenous initiatives related to it.
It should be remembered that in order to be part of the aforementioned committees – Harmonization, transitional rules – the constituents must be sponsored by four of their colleagues; while for the preamble, you must have the sponsorship of 10 pairs.
The collectives must see who will be their representatives in the different commissions, although some are already beginning to settle their names.
Some conventionals are concerned that these instances work in Santiago, since it limits them to being present in regions to disseminate the exit plebiscite.

Original source in Spanish

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