Sustainable universities for the Earth

A university has environmental impacts, such as the consumption of paper, water, electricity, and the generation of carbon emissions, among others, that contribute to climate change. On World Environment Day 2022 and under the slogan “One Earth”, the Metropolitan Technological University, through its Sustainability Program, reflects on the importance of building more sustainable universities for the earth.
According to UNEP (United Nations Development Programme), based on the Sustainable Development Goal “Quality Education” by 2030, it must be ensured that all students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development, including, among others, education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, the promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development.
One way to collaborate with the achievement of this objective is to manage the impacts of university life, through different actions, such as being carbon neutral, which means that it does not contribute to climate change; become certified in ISOS, to estimate its carbon footprint and commit to reducing corporate emissions through a management plan, following international standards.
On the other hand, to contribute to energy management, a sustainable university must also constantly make changes towards energy-efficient equipment. As for water management, it must promote good practices on water consumption within the institution. To reduce the carbon footprint, it must promote the implementation of the use of sustainable transport to the entire university community and periodically train on issues that address sustainability.
In the academic field, it must seek that its graduates are formed committed to a sustainable Chile in the economic, environmental and social. That the careers in their curricular meshes incorporate a mandatory sustainability workshop, to form a community of students with leadership, who will be the change managers that Chile and the world needs.
Promoting a sustainable culture in all levels of the university community is essential to train change managers in their daily work, as well as generate alliances and training networks at international and national level with universities that promote sustainability.

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Original source in Spanish

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