Patricia Bullrich: “We must save Rosario from the total and absolute takeover that drug trafficking has on the city”

The head of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich, traveled to Rosario with leaders of Together for Change to participate in different activities, including a meeting with the mayor of the city, Pablo Javkin, and the presentation of a security plan. We come to work on the most serious problem that the city of Rosario has, which is drug trafficking. We feel that we left a Rosario in frank improvement, lowering homicides to the lowest amount in the last 20 years, and now this is totally out of control, the territories taken, the population, the merchants subdued, “said the former Minister of Security, in dialogue with Radio 2 of Rosario.La former official will meet with the mayor and lead a conference in which he will present a security plan for the city, traversed by a wave of violence. So far in 2022, 137 homicides have been recorded in the city and it is approaching a record number. “We are in the most violent year on record,” Juan Cruz Cándido, president of the Security Commission, told Cadena 3. We see quite a bit of the mayor alone. It is necessary, beyond the political colors, to save Rosario from the total and absolute takeover that drug trafficking has over the city,” said Bullrich.In that context, he took up a proposal he had made during his tenure at the head of Security: “We must order the prison system between prisoners of less danger and drug traffickers, who have to go to special prisons, where the control is total and absolute so that they have no possibility of managing drug trafficking from inside the prison.” The opposition leader highlighted the measures that were promoted during her administration to combat insecurity in the city – she contrasted, for example, the 3,000 gendarmes they had sent with the 300 announced by the national government – and stressed that before thinking about “arming the population, we must disarm the criminals.” If the criminals have weapons and the population is armed, what we are going to have is a massacre. We have to disarm crime,” he warned. “The number of weapons in the city, the number of gunshot wounds… We must work with controls where we cannot continue with this level of impunity that exists. The territory is taken, there is a very complex situation,” he added. Finally, he said that he brings to the city of Santa Fe a plan that, to apply it, requires “character” and pointed out against the management of Governor Omar Perotti: “The Government of Santa Fe has put ministers without personality, and, before, with a personality opposed to the fight against drug trafficking.”

Original source in Spanish

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