Commissioners proposed to replace presidents of colonies in Sinaloa

Culiacán, Sinaloa.- An initiative to reform the Municipal Government Law in Sinaloa to appoint the presidents of the colonies and in the syndicates, through a plebiscite and with the figure of commissioners, because many of the current leaders of these settlements were appointed for many years by the PRI. The Moreno legislator Serapio Vargas said that the function of this new municipal figure will be to carry out social management and represent citizens before the City Councils, as do the commissioners of all the communities of Sinaloa, and that they are paid a minimum wage. “It is not possible that the people who live in the cities are second-class citizens because we do not have an intermediate representative for the management of problems before the municipality, and we are also citizens who do not have access to participatory democracy, but if this important initiative is approved it would be a great achievement in this area,” he said. Serapio Vargas trusted that his colleagues in the parliamentary fraction of Morena will support this initiative that he proposes from the next triennium, within 30 days after the new authorities assume the municipal leadership, will be elected through a plebiscite to commissioners and urban municipal commissioners in all the neighborhoods of the cities and syndicates of the state.  “In about 15 days we are going to present this initiative that seeks to make us equal to those of us who are equal; as much citizen is an inhabitant of the rural area as an inhabitant of the urban area, we can not differentiate anyone and there can be no first and second citizens, “he said. We recommend you read: Assured the deputy president of the Committee on Agricultural Affairs that what is currently in the colonies, are presidents who were appointed by the political parties to serve their interests, and that is not correct, because he reiterated that the commissioner or urban municipal commissioner, must be an authentic representative elected by the majority will of the inhabitants of each colony and that he is a true social representative. Jugador de Yu-Gi-Oh! tells his story of scary old women

Original source in Spanish

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