Digital Seal Certificates (CFDI)

The Digital Seal Certificate (CSD) is an electronic document issued by the Tax Administration Service (SAT) for the electronic invoicing of each taxpayer. It is processed and renewed (every 2 years) online in the SAT portal with the Signature Electrónica essential that companies have their CSD in force, so it is recommended to renew prior to its expiration to avoid stopping electronic invoicing due to lack of validity of that file. Suspensions of Digital Stamp CertificatesThe SAT has the power to temporarily and subsequently definitively suspend the CSD of taxpayers.- Some of the cases in which Digital Stamp Certificates can be suspended are:a) For not presenting provisional payment declarations.b) For presenting declarations in zeros having invoices issued.c) For differences between what is invoiced and what is declared.d) For having current tax fines not paid. If a taxpayer has suspended his CSD has the right to initiate a clarification process through an online procedure in his Tax Mailbox.Recommendations:1) Always renew prior to its expiration the Digital Seal Certificate.2) Have timely and correct tax compliance to avoid risks of falling into cases of suspensions of CSD.3) If you have a Letter Invitation from the SAT for differences in what is invoiced and declared, attend to have clarified a background that could cause the suspension of the Digital Seal Certificate.

Original source in Spanish

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