A report of pure obviousness

The illusionists continue to stumble and “discover” what is known: The 43 were killed.

Apart from vagueness and generalities that for eight years have been cackled by the detractors of “the historical truth” (a state crime committed by “high authorities”), the “provisional” report of the federal undersecretary of Human Rights, Alejandro Encinas is, in strict rigor, a batidillo of data and presumptions with the dusty novelty known for almost eight years:
“There is no indication that the students are alive. On the contrary, all the testimonies and evidence prove that these were artfully killed and disappeared,” he said.
He repeated that three of the normalistas are identified, omitting that the first one was reported by former prosecutor Jesús Murillo Karam; the second his relay Arely Gómez, and the third the prosecutor’s office of the 4t (with a rest found near the cocula garbage dump).
He also said that the students were not together after their disappearance and that they were “never” in that landfill, which does not deny Murillo’s claim, four months after the disappearance of the young people (January 27, 2015): “A large number of people were killed at the scene, without us being able to notice who or how many,” he said. he said then, referring to the muladar as the place of the massacre.
Despite giving los 43 for dead, Encinas indicated that the search for his remains will continue in “the Ribera del Río Balsas (mouth of the San Juan River) and the lagoon of the new Balsas; in Atzcala, municipality of Eduardo Neri; in the Barranca de Tonalpa, municipality of Tepecoacuilco; in Brecha del Lobos and in the Paraje Suriana in Iguala, and in the vicinity of Tepeguaje”.
From the senseless persecution against the former public servants who clarified in its essence the horrendous crime and concluded the truth consisting in that the students were raised by municipal police to deliver them to the guerreros Unidos narco-gang; that she murdered them and burned the bodies of many or all in the garbage dump, said that Tomás Zerón de Lucio, during “a meeting in Tel Aviv on February 16 and 17 of this year”, was offered a “criterion of opportunity that he did not accept” (I suppose because what is sought with that euphemism – as evidenced by the Lozoya case – is that the accused becomes a snitch and whistleblower to incriminate who his captors want, the more machuchones better and preferably one called Enrique Peña Nieto).
As for mortal remains, Encinas said that more than a thousand of 245 bodies have been found, of which 32 (they must be fragments) were sent for genetic analysis to Innsbruck (it is inferred that without positive results for the Iguala case).
Nothing, then, worthwhile, was reported.
And not an official word (except for his acquiescent but sterile personal opinion) of the 114 remains (among 63 thousand) that the CNDH (when it was worth it) recommended four years ago that they be sent to the Austrian university to try to know to which people they belonged. In short, a raft of drool.

Original source in Spanish

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