How to make things happen today

Did you know that 10% of our life is determined by what happens to us, for example: making mistakes, achieving something, losing the keys, being late for example and the other 90% is related to the way we react to these situations that represent 10%. It is important to be aware that 90% depend on us, right?
Today, for the moment we live, the “90/10” rule acquires greater relevance, which psychology gives us, especially because it invites us to analyze and rethink how we are connecting with September and this I raise because we are living a period of excesses: excess of information, expectations, emotions, fears and price increases, to name a few and that in the end, what they do is to propose two invitations: On the one hand, “let things happen” and on the other, “make things happen”. Do you know what the difference is between one and the other? That in the first you participate and change in the second you are involved.
This is where less is more and you have everything you need to focus your mind on what depends on you. For this you need first Will, to want to do it, second attitude, to get it right in charge of what depends on you and stay firm, and third, passion, because if you want something without emotion for the brain it is only an idea and not a desire.
How to achieve it in a short month and full of time thieves, energy plus everything we are living?

Humility: Review your expectations for the month and stick with only those that depend on you. Perhaps the others are also important, but today they weigh.
Synthesis capacity: reduce your goals to those essential to meet your expectations.   
Live each day as if it were your last: Don’t leave topics, tasks or things for tomorrow. Today is the best day to do it, because you set your mind to it and you can. Tomorrow you don’t know why it’s another day.
Activate your selective consciousness: Be more selective and sometimes stop the avalanche of information that makes you waste your time reaffirming topics that you already think you know. Learn to nourish yourself with information that feeds you and energy to achieve your goal of the day.
One step at a time: If you are thinking about something big remember that what you have today is because of your actions of yesterday. The invitation is to get up and move toward your purpose every day.
Remember the 90/10 law, where 90% of what determines your life is by how you react to what happens to you, therefore, take care of your happiness.
Time is relative, for some what is short, for others it may be enough.

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Original source in Spanish

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