After his criticism of Mauricio Macri: the UCR distanced itself from Manes

The Radical Civic Union (UCR) distanced itself from Facundo Manes and called for “taking care of the hope that Together for Change built together.” He did so after the deputy accused Macrismo of espionage and compared former President Mauricio Macri with Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.Through a statement, the party indicates that it works “daily to strengthen” the opposition front, “which is the only tool to end this cycle of Kirchnerism that led to more inflation, more poverty and more institutional degradation.” We do this by successfully managing provinces, municipalities and universities” with leaders “who emerged from the PASO in 2021,” he says, “and we do it through the joint technical work in JxC to offer a renewing proposal to our compatriots.” Everywhere in our territory, Radicalism is consubstantiated and mobilized for this purpose. We are focused on providing solutions to all those issues that distress a very punished and, at times, skeptical society, “says the centennial party. After that, he warns that “any demonstration that deviates from that course, no matter where it comes from, damages the hope that we have been building from JxC.” “It is time to learn: taking care of this desire of Argentines is everyone’s responsibility,” the statement concludes.

Communiqué of the UCR. | Photo: Radical Civic Union.

It is not the first time that Facundo Manes deepens with his statements the internal between UCR and PRO. It is, however, something new the reaction of radicalism, which, with a statement, distanced itself from the nuerocirujano, target in the last hours of strong criticism by his PRO allies, who accused him of wanting to break the opposition. ” I didn’t imagine that I was going to make such a mess,” Manes said last night, in a new public appearance in which he tried to clarify his sayings. Beyond insisting that the Macri government could not “clean up the sewers of the intelligence services” and “certain aspects of the influence of political power in the Justice,” he said that it is “something minimal” compared to the scandals that dot Kirchnerism. I believe that the Macri government had a debt to the sanitation of justice and I believe that without that Argentina will not develop,” he insisted. And he said that with his approach “I am not stressing Together for Change.” I speak as a scientist’s mind. When we do an investigation, we see what was done before. If what ours did was bad, we don’t take it even if it’s from our sector. And if any of our opponents did something good, we take it. My mind is different from that of politics, where everyone is like tribes that if on this side you have to think the same,” he said.

Original source in Spanish

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