José C. Paz: a charred corpse was found in an abandoned armchair

An cremated body was found yesterday inside an abandoned armchair in the Buenos Aires party of José C. Paz and the circumstances of the event are being investigated, judicial sources reported. The discovery occurred on Tuesday morning at the corner of General Balcarce and Miguel Cané streets, in that northwestern party of Greater Buenos Aires.As reported, neighbors of the place who burned garbage at that intersection found inside an armchair a charred corpse. Immediately, they gave notice to 911, so they went to the area effective of the police station in the area and personnel of the Scientific Police, who carried out the corresponding expertise. The body was later removed and taken to the judicial morgue for an autopsy. Corina, a neighbor of the place, told the C5N channel this afternoon that the “armchair was thrown away about a week ago, a white Renault Sandero passed, with an armchair of a body behind the trunk.” She then pointed out that this morning the neighbor across the street called her and her husband, because after that chair was incinerated, it seemed to her that there was “a human body.” You could see the skull, it was from a human. Apparently everything was tied, several parts already burned, only the hip part was seen, there was the back part, but what it was was not distinguished, “concluded Corina.Meanwhile, the investigators awaited the results of the different experts to determine the circumstances of the fact. Finally, prosecutor Ezequiel Hermello, in charge of the decentralized Functional Unit of Instruction (UFI) 18 of Malvinas Argentinas, intervenes in the case.

Original source in Spanish

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