Attack on CFK: they managed to recover information from Sabag Montiel’s cell phone

Airport Security Police (PSA) experts managed to unlock Fernando Sabag Montiel’s cell phone and recovered WhatsApp and Telegram messages. They also accessed email and social media accounts that the accused of trying to assassinate Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner had.It was through a particular method that the expert experts of the force applied on the mobile device of the accused for the assassination attempt, reported the NA news agency. So far, they detailed, they obtained information from their Telegram accounts and – partially – from WhatsApp. In addition, they accessed three of at least six Gmail accounts that Sabag Montiel had and some of his Facebook and Instagram profiles.
Soon, they could gain access to all the information on the mobile that was allegedly reset to factory values after the police arrested the accused. The director of the PSA, José Glinski, personally delivered the report to federal judge María Eugenia Capuchetti.Four people are detained for the event that occurred in front of the house of the vice president on September 1. Along with Sabag Montiel, his partner, Brenda Uliarte, who was listed as co-author of the attempted murder against the vice president, and Agustina Díaz and Nicolás Carrizo, accused of being accomplices, are being detained.

Original source in Spanish

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