Ñuble Region: more than 70 wine SMEs in the Itata Valley will benefit from a Clean Production Agreement

This week began the implementation of the Clean Production Agreement (APL) “Sustainable Wine Development for the Itata Valley”, an initiative signed by the Agency for Sustainability and Climate Change and the Agricultural and Wine Cooperative Cerro Negro Quillón (Coovicen).
This collaborative work will benefit 72 SMEs located in the communes of Quillón, Coelemu, Portezuelo, Quirihue, San Nicolás, Trehuaco, Ránquil, Cobquecura and Ninhue.
The initiative promotes energy efficiency and renewable energies, the sustainable management of water resources and solid waste.
It also promotes the implementation of an Integrated Pesticide Management Plan, among other actions that will generate savings, produce wines with added value and a higher level of technology and traceability, which will make it possible to increase competitiveness and access new markets.
It will be co-financed by the Regional Government of Ñuble with FNDR resources for $200 million, within the framework of the Special Territorial Management Program for Lagging Areas.
70% of the resources will be focused on advancing an investment plan in clean technologies.
The governor of Ñuble, Óscar Crisóstomo, valued the APL, as he pointed out that “there are 72 producers who will receive specialized advice and training in clean and sustainable production and will be certified, once they implement the actions established by the agreement, which will give them greater credibility with the market and its customers.”
In this line, the regional head of the Agency for Sustainability and Climate Change, Felipe Torres, said that “it seeks to achieve greater efficiency in the use of resources, generate savings and add value to the business to raise the competitive position of the sector, so we hope that the largest number of producers achieve certification in Clean Production.”
Meanwhile, the president of Coovicen, Eduardo Carrasco, commented that “it is an excellent opportunity for the wine sector of Ñuble, since we will learn new actions to help take care of the environment through advice, training in clean production and renewable energies”.

In this way, it seeks to establish a promotion strategy and improve the marketing channels of wine products of the Itata Valley, enhancing associativity for direct marketing.
The APL has the technical support of the Ministry of Energy, the Seremi de Salud de Ñuble, the Office of Agrarian Studies and Policies (ODEPA) and the technical training center INACAP Sede Chillán.

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