Magallanes: business incubator is playing for local entrepreneurship

Within the framework of the community relations program, Australis Seafoods has been finding different ways to increase its relationship with SMEs and startups in Magallanes where, for the second consecutive year, it launched the Australis Incubator, an initiative that seeks to support entrepreneurs in the territory.
This 2022 was the OTEC Kirke, of Puerto Natales, the company awarded the second version of the Australis Seafoods Incubator, “an extremely important milestone, since we were waiting to have some kind of impulse that helps consolidate us as local entrepreneurs and service providers”, declares Olimpia Catalán, founding partner of the OTEC.
The winning startup seeks to train and train, through an education of excellence, people and collaborators of companies that in the future work aboard ships or naval artifacts and process plants.
To achieve her goals, Kirke will be accompanied through mentoring meetings, by different professionals of the company, for the development of a medium-term work plan, to which the entrepreneur responds to be 100% willing to go through this process to be a real contribution to the companies and people of the community of Natales.
Supporting development initiatives
The Australis Incubator was born in 2021 from the Human Resources and Corporate Affairs Management, with the purpose of promoting and supporting local initiatives in the territories where it operates.
“Shortly before 2016 we began to work intensely and very consciously on a sustainability strategy, which focuses on 3 areas from which its objectives and areas of action are derived. In this line, the Incubator responds to the axis “Care of our people” what we do through Management with communities, Local Development and Social Investment, “explains the manager of Human Resources and Corporate Affairs, Josefina Moreno.
The first version, from 2021, was open to all entrepreneurs in Magallanes; in its second version, 2022, the entrepreneurship fund was focused on promoting a regional training OTEC that offered services locally to all companies and industries operating in the area.
“We believe that training is something that is needed in different areas, however, we were surveying together with the community those spaces where shared value could be generated, where the need for companies to have a training entity in Natales was combined, in order to train workers in salmon farming, ” adds the professional.
Australis Seafoods operates in different territories of the Araucanía, Los Ríos, Los Lagos, Aysén and Magallanes region, covering the entire production line, from salmon eggs to marketing.

“In this logic, it is essential to know from the grassroots and from the community itself, who they are, how they see us, listen to each other and generate spaces for collaboration to build together, in coherence to a common purpose,” explains Moreno.
In its almost 20 years of existence, the salmon farm has been assuming challenges that impact beyond the limits of its more than 3,700 employees throughout its production chain, betting on nearby communities “who today, with more awareness than ever, teach us to coexist harmoniously with the environment, understanding their rights as a fundamental part of culture and our history”.
In that sense, adds the manager, they take their strategic statements very seriously, “where the purpose is to generate a positive impact on people’s lives through the production and delivery of healthy food.”

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