Families of disappeared protest during AMLO’s march

Families of missing persons protested Sunday morning on Paseo de la Reforma as the march called by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador passed.
Dressed in white, carrying banners with images of their loved ones and with slogans such as “Where are our children?!”, the relatives demanded that the federal government not pay enough attention to the problem of disappearances, as well as to the search efforts.
Some of the protesters shouted “AMLO said everything would change. Lie, lie, it’s the same crap,” to which supporters of the president responded with shouts of “Obrador, Obrador!”

👉 “AMLO said that everything would change, lie lie, it’s the same crap!”: in the Glorieta de las y los Desaparecidos, collectives and relatives shout slogans against the president, and march attendees respond with shouts of “Obrador, Obrador!” pic.twitter.com/EvSPobhbjd
— Political Animal (@Pajaropolitico) November 27, 2022

The protest was held at the Glorieta de las y los Desaparecidos.
In recent days, groups had warned that they would demonstrate this Sunday, at the same time as the president’s march, to show him the faces of the disappeared.

On November 27 at 9:00 a.m. we will be in La Glorieta de las y los Desaparecidos to show @lopezobrador_ our Glorieta and the faces of those who are still missing. pic.twitter.com/g53xu50qUc
— Glorieta de las y los Desaparecidos (@GlorietaMx) November 24, 2022

After the march passed, the demonstrators stayed there to continue their protest.

We continue in La Glorieta showing the faces of our missing relatives pic.twitter.com/8eQzSD78dr
— Glorieta de las y los Desaparecidos (@GlorietaMx) November 27, 2022

Activist Jorge Verástegui told Animal Político that since last May, when the collectives took the roundabout, every Sunday they carry out activities to make the disappeared visible. This weekend, they decided to hold a particular demonstration.
“(We wanted) to make a more focused action and directed to the president, in which we wanted to show the photos of our relatives for the president to see, try to engage in dialogue with him to ask him to account for the problem of disappearances and, above all, ask him why he had broken his promise to have and meetings every three months with the families. On the other hand, to recognize the roundabout as a memorial for missing persons,” said Verástegui.
“There can be no transformation and democracy when you have more than 107,000 missing people, and it seems to me that this is what should be clear, that is, that this government, like the other governments, is not doing what is necessary both to solve the disappearances and to stop this problem,” he added.
López Obrador affirms that fighting insecurity and protecting human rights are priorities of his government, although civil organizations and activists point out that he does not demonstrate it and even takes actions that aggravate the situation of violence.
Among them, they mention their support for extending the presence of the military in public security tasks.
Read: The number of disappeared grows, but not the capacity to find them: they total 100,000 amid breaches and impunity
With information from Herminia Miranda and Samedi Aguirre. 
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Original source in Spanish

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