Alleged members of the Familia Michoacana in Milpa Alta

Alleged members of the criminal group La Familia Michoacana announced a video of their presence in Mexico City’s Milpa Alta mayor’s office and issued threats to members of a rival group.
This, after alleged members of the Tláhuac Cartel murdered one of their rivals of the Familia Michoacana, for control of the sale of drugs in Chalco, State of Mexico, according to the federal Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection on November 30.
Find out | The eight criminal groups operating in the Edomex and CDMX, according to authorities

The video features at least 30 armed men, who direct threats at a man named Brandon Montealegre, as well as several alleged accomplices.
“They line up or we line them up, sons of their fucking mother. We are going to go out on patrol in case they have any doubts,” read a man who said he nicknamed himself El Zarco, after announcing his presence in several towns of the mayor’s office, such as Mixquic and Tetelco, as well as Tezompa and Ayonzingo, in the State of Mexico.
After the publication, the Mayor’s Office of Milpa Alta announced an operation coordinated with the Secretariat of Citizen Security, the National Guard and the Army, “to prevent crimes in their different modalities, implementing dynamic patrolling, review of people and vehicles, to safeguard the integrity of citizens.”

About 200 elements participate in the operation in 50 vehicles and travel through the different towns of Milpa Alta.
Last October, authorities arrested two men linked to an armed group that was videotaped in San Antonio Tecómitl, also in Milpa Alta.
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Original source in Spanish

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