Peru: Castillo says ‘nothing will prevent’ his term from ending

The president of Peru, Pedro Castillo, said that “nothing will prevent” him from remaining in charge of the country until the end of his government, on July 28, 2026, after Congress admitted a third motion of impeachment against him on Thursday, which will be debated in a session next Wednesday.
“Faced with the pretension of some political sectors to try to break the constitutional order and the popular will expressed at the polls, I ratify that nothing will prevent us from continuing to command the nation until the last day of our government, July 28, 2026,” Castillo said when addressing the population during an official act broadcast on television.
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To remove a president, Peru’s constitution requires 87 votes, an amount that the opposition does not have, despite dominating parliament. “Neither anti-democratic attitudes nor petty and subaltern interests will pass,” said Castillo, who said he “trusts” that “the democratic sectors of Congress, as well as the social forces, will side with institutionality and governability.”
OAS Mission
Castillo recalled that the high-level mission of the Organization of American States (OAS), which visited Peru to analyze the current political crisis, has called for dialogue in the report issued Thursday in Washington. “My government, in line with its democratic vocation, welcomes this call and is willing to agree and seek the necessary consensus to move the country forward,” the president said.
Although 70 percent of Peruvians reject the management of the president, who also faces investigations for corruption, the discredit of Congress is even greater, since 85 percent of citizens have a negative opinion of the institution. Castillo denounced in October “a parliamentary coup in progress” and called for the intervention of the Organization of American States (OAS).

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