President Boric sends a message to the opposition: “Chile cannot continue waiting for us to end our fights”

The President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric, referred to the decision taken by Chile Vamos not to participate in the security table due to the pardons granted by the President to 13 people (12 convicted by the social outbreak and the exfrentista, Jorge Mateluna) last week. From Brazil – he attended the inauguration of Lula da Silva – he invited the opposition to participate, pointing out that “Chile cannot continue waiting for politicians to end our fights in order to have concrete measures.”
Referring in detail to the pardons, the Head of State said that it is a decision that he made conscientiously and calmly, since it is an exclusive and exclusive attribution of the President. However, he said he sought to make the decision through the Senate, but could not.
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He also described it as a mistake to put into play a short- and long-term agenda in terms of security because of the exclusive decisions of the President, alluding to Chile Vamos. For this reason, he invited them to return to the table, since security measures will be sought in which all actors are invited to have their participation to find a high degree of progress.
“I invite the opposition to leave the fights girls not for things that are so relevant to citizens; If you want to make political cocks, I urge you not to do it through the discussion on security,” he said.
Jorge Mateluna
At the press point, Boric was also asked about the reasons for pardoning the former frentista, Jorge Mateluna, accused as one of the authors of an assault on a Santander bank in 2013, perpetrated in the commune of Pudahuel. For this crime he was sentenced to 16 years in prison, although he always denied his involvement.
The president said he was convinced that in the trial of Mateluna there was an irregularity in an assessment of the evidence that he was not up to justice, and that it is not something personal, but that he took into account the opinion of jurists who have seen the case seriously.

“I have the full conviction of Jorge’s innocence and that is why we have carried out this pardon,” he said.

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Original source in Spanish

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