Government telephones to the opposition to resume security table: Minister Toha asks to meet “this afternoon”

In the Executive they are making all the efforts to resume the work table to form a transversal commitment for security. In fact, during this day, from the Ministry of the Interior, headed by Minister Carolina Tohá, they have made calls to opposition parliamentarians to resume talks this afternoon.
Recall that the dialogue was suspended on December 30, after the pardons granted by President Gabriel Boric and that caused annoyance in Chile Vamos and the Republican Party. For this reason, Minister Tohá has been in charge of resuming these efforts, which have been well received by the opposition, as said by the Secretary of State.
“As a government we celebrate the willingness of sectors of the opposition to recover the work of the transversal commitment for security that we are promoting from the Ministry of the Interior,” said the minister this morning.
“We are at this moment making the calls to be able to resume the talks this afternoon and collect there the concerns of the different sectors. Differences will not be an obstacle to working together for the safety of people in our country,” he added.
Minister Tohá had already said last Wednesday, during a session in the Chamber of Deputies, that the Government wanted to resume the transversal talks on the security table. In fact, he said that “we are going to invite the political forces again tomorrow (Thursday) to sit down. We hope there will be that willingness.”
In the opposition, the mayor of Providencia, Evelyn Matthei (UDI) said that they are willing to resume the talks, provided that there are “clear signals from the Government”: “We are delighted to return as a political sector to sit at the table, but we ask for super concrete measures and in a limited time,” she said.

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