“The maximum penalty is what we all expect,” say Fernando Báez Sosa’s parents

Next Monday will be official the sentence that will receive the eight rugbiers who murdered Fernando Báez Sosa on January 18, 2020 at the exit of the Le Brique bowling alley in Villa Gesell.De this way, Graciela Sosa, mother of Fernando, in dialogue with C5N, made it clear that “I hope justice is exemplary, we are already condemned to suffer with this pain eternally”, And he added that he hopes that “they give them the maximum penalty” because “it is what we all expect.” In addition, he expressed that he expects the support of the people at the door of the courts of Dolores, since “I ask society to accompany me in this fight, because nobody deserves what they did to Fernando.” Meanwhile, the father of the murdered young man, Silvino Báez, said that together with his wife “they are calm waiting for the verdict,” and demanded “that the judges think about their children and think of Fernando” at the time of sentencing. He also declared that “all of Argentina is awaiting the trial of Fernando,” adding that “we have unconditional support from the people, everyone tells you that it will be perpetual, I hope it will be so.” So far, the eight detainees, who are Máximo Thomsen (23), Enzo Comelli (22), Matías Benicelli (23), Blas Cinalli (21), Ayrton Viollaz (23), and Luciano (21), Ciro (22) and Lucas Pertossi (23), are accused of “homicide doubly aggravated by treachery and by the premeditated collaboration of two or more people.” This is how the lawyers of the family of Báez Sosa requested that all be sentenced to life imprisonment and the defense requested the acquittal of the accused since it maintains that the fact that they are accused of was not proven.

Original source in Spanish

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