Andrés Allamand, Ibero-American Secretary General, Announces Conference Among 22 Countries to Address Migration Crisis

Andrés Allamand, former foreign minister during the second administration of Sebastián Piñera and current Ibero-American secretary general, took stock of the XXVIII Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government, an instance in which President Gabriel Boric called for achieving among all a “regular, orderly and humane” migration.
And it is not only Chile, other countries are also facing a migration crisis. Given this, Allamand told El Mercurio that “it is a highly complex problem that affects all regions of the world.”
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In line with the Chilean president, the Ibero-American secretary general stressed that the summit pronounced itself in favor of “safe, orderly and regular” migration and expressed his willingness to continue “working to eradicate the multidimensional causes of irregular migration.” In that sense, he said that the organization he leads received a mandate to address the issue during this year through a Conference with the participation of the 22 countries. “It is up to me to organize it and I will devote all the necessary energy to it,” he said.
“The quality of democracy has been declining in the world for more than a decade and a half. In my opinion, the biggest problems in Latin America come from bad designs in political systems with their consequences of instability, fragmentation and polarization and low social and economic returns. The growth trajectory of the region is very modest and without high growth it is impossible to defeat poverty and reduce inequality,” said the former foreign minister.
He added: “The region faces several challenges, including resuming high growth, to leave behind the stigma of ‘lost decades’, improve governance, make State action more effective and increase levels of confidence to increase social capital.” In addition, he said, “organized crime and its sequel of drug trafficking is on the rise and this erodes the action of the State and is the greatest source of citizen unrest.”
“People value their personal safety and demand that the public authorities make it effective,” Allamand said.
In any case, he assured that the balance of the summit is very positive. He explained that a Charter of Principles and Rights in Digital Environments, an Environmental Charter and a Food Security Strategy were approved. “All of them will have effects on legislation and public policies in the 22 countries that make up the Ibero-American Community. The goal of having a people-centered summit, with identifiable and concrete results, was more than met.”
He also highlighted the signing of the “Commitment for Investment in Ibero-America”, where businessmen assumed that they will invest in the region beyond the short-term problems that affect it. For the Ibero-American secretary general, “it is a powerful signal and very timely.”

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