The legislators, the constituent process and the best arbiters in the world

Alhambra Nievas was elected the best referee in the world in 2017, she was the first woman to referee a men’s international rugby match between the national teams of Finland and Norway. He turned his back, raising his arm, to 15 huge guys whom he sanctioned with a penalty against, calm without fear. They all backed up 10 yards silently, mumbling, but in an attitude of respect.
Nigel Owen has been voted one of the best referees in the world in the history of rugby. This man who tried to commit suicide at age 11 when he could not or wanted to assume his sexuality, was chosen the best in an apparently macho and primitive environment. He publicly assumed he was gay in 2007, not easy at the time and in this environment. What characterizes it and generates worldwide admiration in the middle of the oval? His serenity and decision in the collection, “… as if he were a school teacher taking advantage of teaching.” His respectful but severe dialogue with the one who commits the fault and his sagacity to identify the one who tries to simulate a fault, clarifying that if he commits such dishonesty again, “… You won’t play again for 2 weeks.”
In a sport of high physical contact where severe injuries can occur, there must be discipline and respect. Respect for the opponent and the referee, without them you can not play. I am not best placed to preach this. In the first match I played as a child, the referee awarded me a penalty. Accustomed to football, I came to plead to him. He pushed us back 10 yards. I faced him again and he pushed us back another 10 yards. All my teammates challenged me, I had to keep quiet and back off. Soon I considered that an opponent had hit me with a high tackle and I tried to hit him, but the referee stopped me in my tracks, gave me a yellow card and took me off the field for 10 minutes, “… for you to calm down and see if you can keep playing, if you don’t go to the showers.” He was skinny, but “childish” or rather with impulse control problems. In the team there were others who were taller, others potted, fat and boys. We could all play and we all played a role for the team. That’s why the reproach to my attitude, I was hurting the team. My anger at the feeling of injustice hurt the collective.
The Constitution and laws are the agreement of a society to be able to live in community. It means then that rules must be established that we are all willing to respect and that we have to respect so that we can coexist. That means not pretending that other living beings should disappear or be subjugated to my interests or pretensions. We have to agree that there is someone or some, who have the power to establish the rule, decide whether it has been broken and enforce it. In a democracy they would be independent powers. Failing that, an anarchist society is required, with a capacity for organization and self-management that to date has not occurred on a large scale, not even in those groups devoted to any religion. What sounds simple is very difficult when I just want to win, that my goal or my vision is fulfilled and I end up objectifying the other. 
Perhaps, at the entrance of Congress and the next constituent institutionality, a sign that exists on some rugby fields should be put up: “We ask for your broadest collaboration, avoid any improper action. Encourage your team by keeping the forms, do not insult or belittle the opponent, be tolerant. The referee is always right and must be respected. If you do not agree with what is written, do not attend a game.”

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Original source in Spanish

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