How to get started in veganism? Can children eat a vegetarian diet?

In recent times, veganism has become a lifestyle increasingly adopted by people, either for ethical and moral reasons to reduce the impact on the environment and combat climate change. Whatever the reason, veganism is gaining more and more adherents around the world, and its benefits are becoming a major topic in debates about health, ethics, and the environment. In this sense, Valentina Martinez, specialist in clinical nutrition, veganism and vegetarianism; He explains that this diet and way of life without any food of animal origin (meats) or derivatives (eggs, dairy, honey, waxes, etc.), if well planned, has health benefits ranging from the prevention of high blood pressure, insulin resistance, diabetes to colon cancer, degenerative diseases and more. But adopting this diet and lifestyle is not easy for everyone. For some people, the main difficulty lies in giving up certain foods that are difficult to replace. Other people may find veganism difficult due to the lack of information on how to follow a balanced and nutritious vegan diet. On the other hand, social pressure and a lack of vegan options in some places can also make it difficult to stick to these types of habits. Therefore, Ms. Martinez recommends five fundamental steps in the introduction to veganism:1/ The change of diet requires a modification in habits in a conscious way, so it is essential to make a transition from the current routine to the new one very slowly; for example, first reducing the consumption of meat and then that of derivatives such as dairy products.2/ To achieve a correct transition we must adapt to new sources of protein, iron and calcium such as legumes, cereals, seeds, nuts and tofu; as well as mechanisms such as fermentation and germination to improve the absorption of nutrients.3/ Something important for a healthy vegan diet is to always assemble the dishes with three different types of vegetables, two types of grains (legumes, cereals and pseudocereals) and some nut or seed.4/ To facilitate the previous points you have to look for shopping in greengrocers, Natural warehouses, healthy stores, dietetics. And also avoid consuming ultra-processed foods that mimic meats, mayonnaise, cheeses and dulce de leche.5/ Finally, vegetarian and vegan food requires, by international recommendations, to be supplemented with Vitamin B12 of synthetic origin. That is why it is advisable, before starting, to consult with a nutritionist or doctor specialized in veganism. Finally, with regard to vegetarianism in childhood, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, says that a well-planned vegetarian diet is suitable for all moments of life. That is, they are compatible as long as certain health indicators are maintained that must be evaluated periodically by the pediatrician, such as:- The head circumference that is taken during the first two years of life and is used to evaluate the development of the child.- The BMI for height and weight according to age should be evaluated throughout childhood, to rule out the possibility of malnutrition.- Complete blood tests, where it is important to evaluate hemoglobin, vitamin B12 and vitamin D, among other clinical indicators.- The nails must be firm and should not break, the hair should grow continuously and firmly; Otherwise, it may be a sign of malnutrition. “An important point to preserve the health of the child in the context of a vegetarian diet is to choose a team of qualified professionals in the subject, pediatricians and nutritionists specialized in vegetarianism, so that the feeding is properly planned as well as the supplementation of vitamins and minerals,” explains Valentina Martinez. “If suddenly the child suggests that he wants to start losing weight, either because his favorite artist or reference follows that type of diet or to reach a certain body model, or if he suddenly begins to demonize certain foods; It may be that vegetarianism is being used as an excuse to hide an eating disorder, “adds the specialist. “If so, it is always important to consult with the pediatrician, nutritionist and even a psychologist specialized in childhood,” he recommends. In summary, vegetarian food in both children and adults brings health benefits as long as it is implemented with adequate follow-up.Offesional. 

Original source in Spanish

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