Elections in CABA: Rodríguez Larreta said that “everyone can participate” and Jorge Macri warned that he does not get off

The discussion about the PRO candidacies in the City of Buenos Aires is accentuated. This morning, the head of the Buenos Aires Government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, who still supports the nominations of his ministers of Health, Fernán Quirós, and Education, Soledad Acuña (today he was with the mayor during an official act), said that “everyone has the right” to present themselves, regarding the rumors that point to María Eugenia Vidal as a possible candidate in the Federal Capital. At the same time, his Minister of Government, Jorge Macri, who has the endorsement of his cousin, former President Mauricio Macri, and the pre-candidate Patricia Bullrich, warned that he does not give up his candidacy. Nothing is going to lower my candidacy,” warned the mayor on leave of Vicente Lopez, who for several weeks insisted on the idea that PRO go with a single candidate to the Buenos Aires PASO of Together for Change, in which Martin Lousteau is already noted, for the UCR, Ricardo Lopez Murphy. by Republicanos Unidos, and Graciela Ocaña, of Confianza Pública. That intention was ratified today by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.In recent days, however, the possibility arose that María Eugenia Vidal is the consensus candidate within PRO, shaken by the internal one that opened from the mayor’s decision to split the Buenos Aires election, calling to vote on the same day as the national one, but with another system. The former governor and current national deputy maintains, at least for now, her national project. But I wouldn’t rule out running in the City. “We have to achieve a single candidate, who is the person most accepted by society,” Quirós said Tuesday in statements to radio. With You. And almost as a nod to nominating a unity candidate, he said: “The best (candidate) may not be Jorge. [Macri] nor me.” Jorge Macri, meanwhile, ratified his decision to run, regardless of who signs up. It is that, he said, from the implementation of the single electronic ballot, “the problem of which ballot you are stuck on disappeared.” “That we are more candidates ceases to be dramatic,” he added in dialogue with The Network. And he stressed: “You have to go out on the court to compete, you don’t have to be so afraid that people choose.”

Original source in Spanish

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