Monotributistas: what are the requirements to access the credit of up to $ 4 million

The candidate for president of Union for the Fatherland and current Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, announced last Sunday, new measures with the aim of recomposing the purchasing power of workers after the peso suffers a devaluation of 18%. One of them benefits monotributistas, who will be able to access a credit of up to $ 4,000,000, depending on the category, to be paid in up to 24 installments at half the bank rate and with 100% guarantee of the State, through the banks. The financial institutions through which the loan can be requested are: Banco Nación, Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Banco Macro, Comafi (Córdoba, Corrientes, Formosa and Tierra del Fuego). Requirements to access the credit: -Sign an affidavit, demonstrating that the requested money will be used in investments that are related to their economic activity.
-Present a credit situation 1 and 2, which means that it is not within a medium or high risk in payment delays (according to the scale in the “Central of Debtors” of the Central Bank). In the package of measures taken by the national government, they also include other initiatives aimed at monotributistas, such as tax relief, which will benefit 1,829,544 taxpayers, and the launch of the “productive monotribute”, a program that will allow those who operate in the informal economy the possibility of formalizing and accessing these benefits.

Original source in Spanish

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