Evo Morales on Hamas attack on Israel: “When a people defends its sovereignty they call it terrorist”

The ferocious attack of the armed organization Hamas on Israel, which left more than 600 dead, generated a great repudiation by a large number of leaders around the world, including national presidential candidates, but Evo Morales, former president of Bolivia, decided not to condemn it. Through his X account, he assured that “it is not possible for a government of the Democratic and Cultural Revolution to defend the invasionist and expansionist policy of Israel. Not assuming the defense of the brotherly people of Palestine is proof of right-winging.” In addition, he took it upon himself to make it clear that “when a people defends its sovereignty they call it a terrorist. But when the U.S. finances wars, armed invasions, coups and assassinations, they talk about democracy.” In this way, he continues to show a marked position on the conflict, on which he also expressed himself last Saturday when he questioned the statement of the government of Luis Arce: “We regret that the statement of the Bolivian Foreign Ministry does not denounce with political coherence the true situation that the Palestinian people are going through.” From Bolivia we condemn the imperialist and colonial actions of the Israeli Zionist government. Solidarity among peoples is the basis of a more just and dignified society,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish

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