Pastor Causes Image Breaker of Virgin of Guadalupe and Santa Muerte in Tamaulipas –

Mexico. Kevin Wynne, a representative of Mount Zion Baptist Church, used an axe during his speech to hit the religious statues, generating amazement and excitement among his followers, who encouraged him to continue the destruction.
The act of violence, documented in a widely shared video, has drawn strong criticism on digital platforms and gone viral. The images also show the screams of the followers who incite the destruction of religious figures.
Although the incident is not recent, it has gained relevance in recent days, reigniting the debate on religious tolerance and respect for the beliefs of others in Mexico’s diverse context, where diverse religious expressions coexist.
Who is Kevin Wynne, the pastor who went viral for destroying religious imagery?
Kevin Wynne, sent from the United States as a member of a mission group, has been in contact with the coordinator of Mount Zion Fundamental Baptist Church in Mexico. According to information provided by the church, he has been sharing the knowledge of the IBFMS in Mexico City.
In 1984, Pastor Wynne and his family moved as missionaries to Mexico City, where he founded Mount Zion Baptist Church, which he continues to pastor today.
This church has an average attendance of over 4,000 people, and every Sunday hundreds of individuals are saved and baptized. In addition to his pastoral work, Pastor Wynne also served as Director of Mount Zion Fundamental Baptist Institute.
This is not the first time that acts of destruction of religious images have been recorded in Tamaulipas.
This incident is not an isolated event in Tamaulipas, since previously, a woman carried out a similar action by destroying various religious representations in a church in Altamira and in an altar located on Adolfo López Mateos Boulevard. Among the images affected were a Virgin of Guadalupe and a Christ.
In the previous case, the woman was detained, but later released within days, arguing that she appeared to be out of her mental faculties. This situation generated debates on how to deal with these types of incidents, considering the mental health of those involved and their actions.
These episodes have underscored the importance of treating the diversity of religious beliefs and practices with respect, while also acknowledging the need to understand and address potential mental health issues that may contribute to disruptive behaviors.

Original source in Spanish

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