First Presidential Debate Between Proposals and Disqualifications –

Morelia, Michoacán.- On Sunday night, the first presidential debate was held in which the candidates presented their proposals. The topics discussed in this first debate were:
Bless you
Fight against corruption
Vulnerable groupsCandidate Xóchitl Gálvez indicated that on the issue of health she will propose the health card, which will allow Mexicans to fill their medicines at any pharmacy. In education, he said he will resume full-time schools and reactivate daycare centers, provide internet so that students could access technologies and learn English.
On the issue of transparency and corruption, he indicated that he will eliminate contracts by direct award and strengthen the INAI.
Regarding vulnerable groups, Gálvez said that it is important to recover women’s shelters, support them economically so that they can feel supported and get out of the situation they are going through and to achieve this, she said the support of the mayors is necessary as a first step for women to seek help.
He also said hate crimes will be punished
For her part, the candidate Claudia Sheinbaum in terms of education said that they will continue to give scholarships for students, but from initial education, as well as more and better public universities.
On the subject of health, Sheinbaum said that they will continue to train medical specialists.
In the fight against corruption and transparency, the Morena candidate proposed to continue with her Tianguis of the tender and that by achieving digitalization, transparency is strengthened.
In terms of vulnerable groups, he will seek to amend the constitution to bring aid to those most in need.
For his part, the candidate of Movimiento Ciudadano, Jorge Álvarez Maynez, commented that support for teachers was relevant and that textbooks should be reviewed because they should not be indoctrinating.
In health, Álvarez Máynez said that he will seek to prevent diseases with AI, through anticipating the surveillance of diseases typical of Mexicans, as well as bringing family doctors to the communities.
On the issue of transparency and the fight against corruption, the MC candidate said that tenders should be open so that this allows for the transparency of resources.
On the subject of vulnerable groups, I talk about positive parenting and reaching out to vulnerable groups.
All the candidates declared themselves winners
What do you think?

Original source in Spanish

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