Torres Piña declares himself the winner of the electoral contest in Morelia –

Morelia, Michoacán. – In a meeting with the media, Carlos Torres Piña said that, according to the data from the exit polls that he and his team have, the cherry wave has been installed not only at the federal level with Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum, but also at the municipal level with her imminent electoral victory.  Juan Pablo Celis Silva, as state leader of the Morena party, opened the meeting by sharing that this June 2 “is a historic day because we are going to have the president of the Republic, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo” so “the fourth transformation (4T) is going to continue underway.”  He then reported that all the members of the slate were more than happy because “they gave a forecast and we have information that we have won full office here in Morelia,” which translates into obtaining “2 federal deputies, 4 local deputies, and the presidency with Torres Piña.”  The one who took the floor later was Diego Hernandez Guitiérrez, who was introduced as Claudia Sheinbaum’s representative in Michoacán.  Hernandez Gutierrez said that the plan was to achieve “plan C,” which means “that majority in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate.” [de candidatos por Morena]”, and reported that candidate Sheinbaum Pardo is going to be the most voted president in the history of the country and the joy is magnified because “for months the trend was irreversible”.  Finally, Carlos Torres Piña took the microphone and said that he was “very happy” because it was a campaign from less to more where, “thousands of Morelians came out to vote, to give us that vote of confidence (…) Thank you people of Morelia we are not going to fail you, believe me.” And with the promise of making an effort not to disappoint the votes cast in his favor, because “despite the waste of the opposition they were not able to stop this great movement and it was not possible to continue looting Morelia for another 3 years,” Torres Piña affirmed that he will put a stop to the confrontation between the municipality, the state and the federation and will return to the neighborhoods to give thanks, to stand up to “get Morelia out of this rut where they currently have it.” It should be noted that the aspiring mayor of the Michoacan capital said he felt confident of winning the electoral contest because of the results of the exit poll that they have. “There was an interesting process, but the icing on the cake came to sweep away (…) we won and we won well, without groceries, without handouts, we won cleanly and democracy won here in our city, above all, the people of Morelia won,” said Torres Piña, who declared that these polls “were done in only 80 sections, which is a fifth of Morelia.” 

Original source in Spanish

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