Attorney General’s Office rescues a canine specimen in conditions of animal abuse –

Apatzingán, Michoacán. – During an operational action, the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Michoacán (FGE) rescued a canine specimen, which was in a home in the Nueva neighborhood, in conditions of abuse. In response to a citizen complaint that warned of the possible conduct constituting the crime of mistreatment, to the detriment of a canine specimen, personnel assigned to the Regional Prosecutor’s Office of Apatzingá went to the home located in the Nueva neighborhood, corroborating that on the second floor of the building there was a dog of the Creole breed, which presented a deplorable state and malnutrition; it was also established that it had been abandoned by some people who rented the house, so the owner of the home was the one who voluntarily handed over the canine to the Investigative Police (PDI). After his seizure, the canine was taken for evaluation by a veterinarian who determined that the animal did not have the conditions for its healthy development, remaining momentarily in the facilities of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office of Apatzingán, and in the next few hours it will be transferred to a shelter, in order to provide it with the appropriate treatment.

Original source in Spanish

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