“Rock Riders”, the film by Sebastián Díaz

“Jinetes de Roca”, the latest feature film by La Plata director Sebastián Díaz, arrives in theaters on June 13. It will also be available for free from Friday 21 to Thursday 27 on the platform Cine.ar.La film challenges the founding myth of modern Argentina, denouncing the actions of those most responsible for the “Conquest of the Desert” (1879-1885), a military operation under the command of General Julio Argentino Roca, which expanded the borders of the Argentine Republic to the banks of the Negro and Neuquén rivers. incorporating for “civilization” about fifteen thousand leagues of fertile territory. Photo: Courtesy of the pressThe film analyzes the laudatory iconography of the military campaign produced in 1879 and sets out to “demonument” the figure of Roca, who although he allowed the formation of the Nation-State Territory that we currently possess, also caused the collapse of the indigenous world and the native communities. I’m a curious person. Since I was a child, in La Plata, the city where I was born and raised, I dedicated myself to promoting the pleasure of reading. My parents and grandparents had a profuse collection of books. I read them. But it wasn’t until adulthood that I realized I had received a colonized education,” the director said in a press release. Sebastián Díaz, director of the film | Photo: Courtesy of the press

Original source in Spanish

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