The Government declared national mourning 30 years after the AMIA bombing

The National Government enacted the law that declares July 18 as a Day of National Mourning in tribute to the victims of the terrorist attack on the AMIA, on the 30th anniversary of the attack on the headquarters of the Jewish mutual. The initiative that was turned into law on July 4 by the Senate was promulgated by decree 632 of the Executive Branch, which was signed by President Javier Milei and the Chief of Cabinet, Guillermo Francos.What does the Day of National Mourning establish? The bill establishes that July 18 of each year is declared as a Day of National Mourning, in homage to the victims of the terrorist attack perpetrated on July 18, 1994 at the headquarters of the Israelite Argentina Mutual Association (AMIA) against the Republic of Argentina. Throughout the project, it is determined that the Ministry of Education, through the Federal Council of Education, in coordination with the educational authorities of the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, will provide the necessary means for public primary and secondary education establishments of state and private management to organize and develop commemorative activities for that date.

Original source in Spanish

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