Latin American News in English

translated from Spanish: ‘I want my brother!’, the heart-rending cry of pain of Luis child

translated from Spanish: ‘I want my brother!’, the heart-rending cry of pain of Luis child

city Juarez, Chihuahua-great impotence and pain has caused crime of little David Raphael, who last Wednesday, August 8 left her…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: They found the corpse of a man in Zamora irrigation canal; signs of violence

home safety found the corpse of a man in Zamora irrigation canal; Zamora, Michoacan.-signs of violence Tuesday afternoon, was located…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: Catherine Fulop apologized after his unfortunate statements about abortion

Se refirió a través de Facebook a lo expuesto en un programa de televisión

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: SCD recognizes Jorge González as a Fundamental figure of Chilean music

as every year since 1989, the Chilean society of authors and music performers) SCD) delivery the recognition of Fundamental figure…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: A man lived for 30 years between the garbage

El individuo vive junto a sus padres en un terreno de la provincia de Neuquén y fue denunciado por el olor que emanan los…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: Judge of the Supreme defended figure of probation

the judge of the Supreme Court, Carlos Künsemüller, defended in a letter to El Mercurio, the figure of the conditional…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: There was once a Governor…

all initiatives it has announced Andrés Manuel López Obrador for the next administration, which will cause major accusations of authoritarianism,…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: They cast a baby of a restaurant because it came with your dog Guide

El lamentable hecho ocurrió Palermo cuando la familia fue a cenar e indignó al resto de los comensales que defendían…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: 139 femicides were reported in the first half of 2018

El informe fue publicado por el Observatorio de Femicidios del Defensor del Pueblo de la Nación e involucra el asesinato de…

6 years hace

translated from Spanish: Bolivian children dance and recycled plastic in poor city

EL ALTO, Bolivia (AP) - bags and plastic containers were transformed into colorful masks and colorful folk costumes and gained…

6 years hace