translated from Spanish: Daniella Chávez rejected the idea of having to Yerko in Vineyard: “I hope that all women pifien it”

the Daniella Chávez playboy bunny lashed Yerko Puchento comedian now that it sounds like your name as one of the possible humoris Festival de Viña of the actor Daniel Alcaíno Mar.Aunque TAS said he has not talked with anyone on this so-called proposal, said that it is interested in stepping on the fifth Vergara.Una of its main take is the model who totally rejects the idea. “Not nothing seems good in reality, because I feel that it is like reward him. Or that channel 13 is it rewarding to him, after all the damage caused to women and men also. “Arriving with this same theme, of taunting of women above all, I believe that the public will punish”, he told the morning Hi Chile.chavez, who starred in one of the controversies harder with the comedian in one of the episodes of Vertigo, said that if Yerko reach Viña of the Sea, expected to be with a new routine.” If it does not come with a new routine, I wish that day go a singer romantic so thus all women pifien him, and he is sitting as we feel ourselves when he mocked all of us. Who laughs last, laughs best”, added the playboy bunny. In the program of Channel 13 Yerko joked with the second name of the model and she slowed down strongly: “If I want to say prostitute, tell me in the face”.

Original source in Spanish

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